Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wesley is One!

Well, he's almost 1! Isn't he gorgeous? Big blue eyes and that blonde hair - watch out girls!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kaitlyn, Part 1

Kaitlyn was such a good sport about this photo session! What you can't see, is that it's actually raining very lightly out. By the time I got out to her house to pick her up, it had gone from nicely overcast, to raining! So Kaitlyn, we will have to go back out for a dry session someday soon, but here are a few from our time today - thanks for being such a good subject!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

They grow so fast . . .

I am blessed with spending my days with children and watching them grow. This particular little girl, has been with me since she was not quite 1! She is a pleasure to have around all the time, and of course - photograph! And I have to admit, the hesitant approach to the bus for the first time was making me tear up a little! I love how her smiles just lights up her whole face. :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wil, volunteer Firefighter

Wil is a volunteer firefighter here in town. He was wanting some nice pics of him in his uniform and his gear to show his family back home. And hey, who could pass up a visit to the firehall?